Physical Therapy
Physical therapy is the science of movement, how our muscles move our body, and how abnormal muscle activity may lead to movement disorders or developmental delays, birth defect, chronic illness or an injury.
Pediatric physical therapy promotes independence, increases participation, facilitates motor development and function, improves strength and endurance, enhances learning opportunities, and eases challenges with daily caregiving.
Children with neurological, orthopedic, or developmental disorders may need assistance of special equipment, customized orthotics, and/or exercises to build up motor skills.
Our team of pediatric physical therapists provide screening, assessment, consultation, and treatment in the following areas:
- Gross and Fine Motor Development
- Early Intervention Services
- Balance and Coordination Skills
- Age-Appropriate Daily Living Skills/ Self-Help Skills
- Adaptive Equipment Purchasing and Modification
- Wheelchair Assessments
- Evaluations for Orthotic Devices and Equipment (AFO’s, Helmet, etc.)
We offer Pediatric Physical Therapy services to children birth through adolescence, with a wide variety of needs and diagnoses:
- Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Asperger's Syndrome, Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD)
- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADD & ADHD)
- Sensory Processing Disorder
- Torticollis
- Developmental Delay
- Downs Syndrome
- Cerebral Palsy
- Neuromuscular Disorders
And, we also provide Family Support Services such as:
- Development of Home Programs and Sensory Diets
- Preschool and School Consultations
- Parent Consultations
Pediatric physical therapists evaluate and provide treatment for children who have concerns with motor skills. Your child might need physical therapy to help with developmental delay, a birth defect, chronic illness or an injury.
Physical therapy helps develop the strength and range of motion children need to move through their environment easily and effectively. Physical therapy goals often include help with developmental milestones like sitting, standing, crawling and walking. Physical therapists also assess the need for orthotics, like splints and braces, and recommend adaptive equipment.