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Understanding Gestalt Language Processing: Helping Kids Communicate with Flexibility and Meaning

Exploring Gestalt Language Processing

Language is a powerful tool that helps us connect with others, express our needs, and understand the world around us. For many children, developing flexible and self-generated language can be a challenge. One way for individuals to produce language is called Gestalt Language Processing (GLP). This approach to language acquisition differs from what most people know to be “typical” language development but has the same ability to lead to meaningful and spontaneous communication.


What is Gestalt Language Processing?

Gestalt language processing is a way of learning language that focuses on whole phrases or “chunks” of language rather than starting with single words. These chunks, called gestalts, are often used by children in the early stages of language development. Think of them as full phrases/ sentences or expressions that children repeat or echo in the early stages of development. For example, a child might say a whole sentence like “I want to go outside” or “Can I have that?” without fully understanding all the parts of the sentence.

This development contrasts with the traditional, more analytic way of learning language, where children typically start by saying individual words, like “ball” or “want,” and gradually learn to combine them into longer sentences as they grow.


Why is Gestalt Language Processing Important?

Gestalt language processing is an entirely natural way to develop language, but it requires a different teaching approach for those gestalt language processors who need extra support. Many of these children may use echolalia, the repetition of words or phrases they hear, often without understanding the whole meaning behind them. For instance, they might repeat lines from a favorite TV show or mimic something they heard from a caregiver. This is a natural part of language development but sometimes leads to confusion about the meaning of what is being expressed. Gestalts often can not be taken literally. Instead, as communication partners, we must do the detective work to figure out what the individual is trying to communicate.

The goal is to help children move beyond echolalia, through the stages of gestalt language development, and begin using more self-generated language. Children are encouraged to mix and match gestalts, break them down into single words and two-word phrases, and develop their grammar skills, leading to more independent language use.


How Does Gestalt Language Processing Work?

The process involves several steps/ stages designed to help children understand the parts of language and how they fit together. Here’s how it works:


  • Delayed Echolalia: Children just beginning their journey to natural language acquisition need to learn more gestalts. Communication partners need to model a variety of natural language opportunities for the individual to echo. This helps to build their collection of available language.
  • Mitigation: The next stage requires individuals to mitigate, or mix and match, their available gestalts to make new ones. For example, a child might use the gestalts “let’s go to the park” and “take a ride in the car.” When mitigating, the child might combine these gestalts to create a new one, such as “Let’s go to the car”. 
  • Breaking Down Gestalts: The child’s echolalic scripts (the chunks of language they repeat) are carefully analyzed. Speech-language pathologists (SLPs), with the help of those who know the child best, will look at the phrases the child uses and help them break them down into smaller components such as single words or 2-word phrases such as “red car” or “park.” 
  • Building Self-Generated Communication: After the script is broken down, the child is guided to use these smaller parts in new, flexible ways. As the child progresses through the later stages of gestalt language development, the goal is to move from echoed phrases to self-generated language with appropriate grammar. 


SLPs model simplified language in natural settings. This means interacting with the child in everyday situations like playing, eating, or walking. The therapist might say things like, “I want the red ball” or “I’m going to the store,” and encourage the child to try these phrases independently. 

We also aim to help children develop the social and emotional skills to connect with others. As they learn new language skills, they also gain the ability to express themselves in ways that help them build relationships and regulate their emotions.

Caregivers play a crucial role in reinforcing these language skills outside of therapy. SLPs work with parents and caregivers to teach them strategies for encouraging natural language in everyday interactions, ensuring the child’s progress continues even when not in therapy.


Activities to Support Gestalt Language Processing

Activities that promote Gestalt language processing are designed to be fun and engaging for children. Here are a few examples:

  • Storytelling and Pretend Play: Pretend play allows children to use language in various ways and practice new phrases in different contexts. For example, a child might pretend to be a chef, saying, “I’m cooking dinner” or “I need help with the soup.”
  • Interactive Games: Games that encourage turn-taking and conversation, such as board or card games, help children practice using language spontaneously and flexibly.
  • Songs and Rhymes: Songs often include repetitive phrases that children can learn and then adapt to different situations, building their confidence and flexibility in communication.


How Carolina Therapy Connection Can Help

At Carolina Therapy Connection, we understand children’s unique challenges in developing flexible, meaningful communication. Our team of experienced speech-language pathologists (SLPs) uses natural language acquisition techniques to help children progress through gestalt language development and develop functional, self-generated language skills.

We offer individualized therapy sessions tailored to your child’s needs. These sessions help your child build language skills through engaging and natural activities. Our team also works closely with parents and caregivers to ensure that the progress made in therapy continues in everyday interactions at home and in the community.


Understanding Speech Sound Disorders in Children: Helping Your Child Feel Understood

Understanding Speech Sound Disorders: Articulation and Phonological Challenges in Children

Speech sound disorders are characterized by difficulty producing clear and intelligible speech. They can manifest as difficulty producing specific sounds (articulation disorders) or broader patterns of sound errors (phonological disorders). Both conditions can hinder communication, affect self-esteem, and impact social interactions.

What Are Speech Sound Disorders?

Speech sound disorders encompass difficulties producing speech sounds correctly or organizing them according to the rules of language.

  • Articulation Disorders: These involve challenges in physically producing specific speech sounds. For example, a child might substitute “wabbit” for “rabbit” or omit sounds altogether, such as saying “ca” instead of “cat.”
  • Phonological Disorders: These refer to predictable patterns of errors affecting sound organization and usage. For instance, a child might consistently simplify sound clusters, saying “pane” instead of “plane.”

Both types of disorders can reduce speech intelligibility, making it hard for others to understand the child.

Examples of Common Speech Errors

Children with speech sound disorders may exhibit errors such as:

  • Substitutions: Replacing one sound with another, such as “fumb” for “thumb.”
  • Omissions: Leaving out a sound, such as saying “bu” for “blue.”
  • Distortions: Producing a sound inaccurately, such as a slushy “s” in place of a clear “s.”
  • Phonological Processes: Using error patterns like fronting (“tat” for “cat”) or cluster reduction (“top” for “stop”).

How Speech Therapy Can Help

At Carolina Therapy Connection, we offer evidence-based treatments tailored to each child’s unique needs. Our team addresses articulation and phonological issues, helping children speak more clearly and confidently.

Therapy Techniques

  • The Cycles Approach targets one phonological pattern at a time in a structured cycle to gradually improve multiple speech errors.
  • Minimal Pairs Therapy: Uses pairs of words like “bat” and “pat” to help children differentiate and produce distinct sounds.
  • Phonetic Placement Approach: Provides multimodal (visual, tactile, and verbal) prompts and cues to assist in articulator placement and movement.
  • Traditional Articulation Approach: Focuses on correctly producing specific sounds through repetition drills and guided practice.
  • Auditory Bombardment: Exposes children to repeated examples of correct sound use to help them internalize patterns.
  • Modeling and Recasting: Demonstrates accurate sound production and corrects errors naturally during conversation.
  • Shaping and Scaffolding: Gradually builds complex skills by starting with more straightforward tasks.

Generalization and Confidence Building

The ultimate goal of speech therapy is to help children generalize their improved skills to everyday interactions. This involves:

  • Practicing target sounds in real-life situations, such as reading aloud or engaging in conversations.
  • Providing home practice activities with parental involvement to reinforce progress.
  • Encouraging self-confidence as children experience success in communicating clearly.

Why Choose Carolina Therapy Connection?

At Carolina Therapy Connection, our licensed Speech-Language Pathologists (SLPs) are dedicated to helping children overcome the challenges of speech sound disorders. We create individualized therapy plans that address each child’s needs while working closely with families to ensure lasting progress.

With our evidence-based approaches, we aim to improve speech intelligibility, enhance communication, and foster self-esteem. If you’re interested in learning more about severe speech sound disorders and how we incorporate different treatment plans into therapy, including intensives, please get in touch with us to schedule an evaluation. You can also use this link to explore our pediatric intensive therapy services.


Understanding Childhood Apraxia of Speech 

What is Childhood Apraxia of Speech? 

Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS) is a motor speech disorder that originates from the brain, impacting the planning and execution of precise movements required for speech. Unlike other speech disorders, Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS) is not related to muscle weakness or paralysis but is a result of difficulties in neural pathways that control speech. 

Causes and Risk Factors of Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS):

Understanding the causes and risk factors of CAS is crucial. While the exact cause is often unknown, some factors, such as genetic predisposition, neurological abnormalities, or brain injury, may contribute to the development of CAS. 


Recognizing the signs of CAS is essential for early intervention. Common symptoms include: difficulty pronouncing words, inconsistent speech errors, limited vocabulary, and challenges with speech rhythm and intonation. 


Accurate diagnosis of CAS involves a comprehensive assessment by speech-language pathologists. The evaluation may include analyzing the child’s speech patterns, motor coordination, and other related skills. Early diagnosis is vital for effective intervention. 

Intervention Strategies: 

Addressing CAS typically involves speech therapy tailored to the individual needs of the child. Therapists work on improving motor planning, coordination, and overall speech production. Parents and caregivers play a crucial role in supporting these efforts through consistent practice and reinforcement. 

Support for Families: 

A diagnosis of CAS can be overwhelming for families. Providing information, resources, and emotional support is essential. Connecting with support groups and organizations specializing in CAS can offer valuable insights and assistance.

How Can Speech Therapy at Carolina Therapy Connection Help? 

Speech therapy plays a crucial role in supporting individuals with apraxia. Apraxia of speech can also significantly impact communication skills. Speech therapists are trained professionals who use various techniques and strategies to help individuals with apraxia improve their speech abilities. 

Here are some key ways in which speech therapy aids individuals with apraxia: 

  1. Individualized Treatment Plans:

Speech therapists assess each individual’s specific speech difficulties and create personalized treatment plans. These plans are tailored to the person’s age, severity of apraxia, and other individual factors. 

  1. Motor Speech Exercises:

Therapy sessions often involve motor speech exercises that target the coordination and sequencing of oral-motor movements. These exercises help individuals develop muscle memory and improve their ability to produce clear and accurate speech sounds. 

  1. Repetition and Practice:

Repetition is a fundamental aspect of speech therapy for apraxia. Consistent practice and repetition of targeted sounds, syllables, and words contribute to the reinforcement of correct speech patterns. 

  1. Use of Visual Aids:

Visual aids, such as pictures, diagrams, and videos, are commonly incorporated into speech therapy sessions. Visual cues can enhance understanding and assist individuals in forming the correct sounds and word sequences. 

  1. Phonetic Drill and Kinesthetic Feedback:

Phonetic drill exercises involve practicing specific speech sounds. Kinesthetic feedback, where individuals feel and become aware of their oral-motor movements, helps reinforce correct articulatory patterns. 

  1. Promoting Communication Strategies:

Speech therapists work on improving overall communication skills. This includes teaching alternative communication methods, such as sign language or augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) devices, to enhance communication effectiveness. 

  1. Parent Involvement:

In the case of children with apraxia, speech therapists often involve parents in the therapy process. Providing parents with strategies and exercises to practice at home can contribute to the overall success of the therapy.

  1. Gradual Progression:

Speech therapy for apraxia is often a gradual process. Therapists focus on small, achievable goals and celebrate milestones as individuals make progress in their speech development. 

  1. Adaptability and Flexibility:

Speech therapists continuously assess progress and adjust therapy plans as needed. This adaptability ensures that the therapy remains effective and responsive to the individual’s evolving needs. 

10. Promoting Confidence and Independence: 

Beyond improving speech skills, speech therapy aims to boost individuals’ confidence in their ability to communicate. This confidence is vital for social interactions and overall well-being. 

In conclusion, speech therapy is a vital component in helping individuals with apraxia overcome communication challenges. Through targeted exercises, personalized treatment plans, and ongoing support, speech therapists play a crucial role in facilitating improved speech and communication skills in individuals with apraxia.


By: Renee Anderson, SLP

Fighting the Frost: Your Guide to Beating Seasonal Depression

Combating Seasonal Depression: Strategies for Lightening the Winter Blues

As the days grow shorter and the temperature drops, many of us may find our mood shifting along with the seasons. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) affects countless individuals each year, leading to feelings of sadness, lethargy, and even anxiety. Here are some ways to combat seasonal depression and find joy in the colder months:

1. Embrace Natural Light to Combat Seasonal Depression

One of the primary contributors to seasonal depression is the lack of sunlight during winter months. To combat this, try prioritizing exposure to natural light:

  • Morning Walks: Try to take a walk outdoors in the morning. Even on cloudy days, natural light can help boost your mood and regulate your circadian rhythm.
  • Light Therapy: Consider using a light therapy box that mimics natural sunlight. Spending 20-30 minutes in front of this light can be effective in reducing SAD symptoms.

2. Stay Active: A Key to Overcoming Seasonal Depression

Physical activity is a powerful antidote to depression. Regular exercise releases endorphins improves sleep, and boosts overall mood:

  • Find Activities You Enjoy: Whether you’re doing yoga, dancing, or brisk walking, choose activities that are fun and engaging.
  • Set a Routine: Establishing a regular exercise schedule can help structure your day and help you stay motivated.

3. Nourish Your Body to Support Your Mental Health in Winter

What we eat can significantly impact our mood. During the winter, it’s essential to nourish ourselves with healthy, balanced meals:

  • Incorporate Seasonal Foods: Focus on fruits and vegetables that are in season, like citrus fruits, root vegetables, and hearty greens. These can provide essential vitamins that boost your immune system and energy levels.
  • Stay Hydrated: Don’t forget to drink water! Staying hydrated is crucial for maintaining energy and overall well-being.

4. Cultivate Connections to Ease Seasonal Depression

Social interactions can be a vital source of support during the winter months:

  • Reach Out to Loved Ones: Schedule regular catch-ups with friends and family, whether in person or through video calls. Sharing your feelings can foster connection and reduce feelings of isolation.
  • Join a Group: Look for local clubs, classes, or community events that interest you. Engaging in social activities can provide a sense of belonging and purpose.

5. Practice Mindfulness and Self-Care to Beat the Winter Blues

Taking time for yourself is essential, especially during the colder months:

  • Mindfulness Practices: Try incorporating mindfulness techniques such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, or journaling. These practices can help ground you and manage anxiety.
  • Self-Care Rituals: Develop a self-care routine that includes activities you love, whether it’s reading, taking baths, or enjoying a hobby. Prioritize these moments to recharge and relax.

6. Work with a Professional for Seasonal Depression Support

If you find that your symptoms are overwhelming or persistent, seeking professional support is crucial:

  • Therapy: Speaking with a therapist can provide valuable insights and coping strategies tailored to your needs. Therapists at Carolina Therapy Connection provide you with an array of modalities that are used to treat and are particularly effective for seasonal depression.
  • Medication: In some cases, medication may be necessary. Please consult a healthcare provider to discuss potential options if your symptoms significantly impact your daily life.

How Can Carolina Therapy Connection Help with Seasonal Depression?

While seasonal depression can feel challenging, it doesn’t have to be dealt with alone! Carolina Therapy Connection recognizes the importance of seeking support and prioritizing mental health. Our therapists are ready to help, call us today for a FREE Consultation with our therapist!


By: Annalisa Ferguson


Let’s PLAY!

Why is Play Development Important for Children? 

An essential component of a child’s learning is through play. Play builds the foundation of teaching children how to communicate with others, solve problems, and develop new motor skills. Play often involves spending much time on the floor being silly, making animal noises, or acting out your child’s favorite nursery rhyme songs. Play appears too fun to be therapeutic in speech therapy sessions, right? However, that’s when the magic truly happens! Understanding why and play development for children’s communication skills is helpful.


Different Types of Play Development for Children’s Communication Skills:

  • Functional Play

    • Begins before two years old. It is the most common play among infants, toddlers, and young children. Functional play is when toys or objects are used according to their intended function, such as rolling a ball, pushing a car on the floor, banging blocks, etc. 
  • Relational Play

    • Also, it can begin before two years old. Children who engage in relational play often use (manipulate) items to discover how they relate to one another. Examples of relational play include feeding a teddy bear, stacking blocks, or grouping objects. 
  • Self-Directed Play

    • Begins before two years old as well. Self-directed play is when children use toys or objects toward themselves. They determine and control the content and intent of their play by following their own ideas and interests. Toys or objects offered to children are simple and can be play-doh, crafts, pretend food/clothes, etc. 
  • Parallel Play

    • Begins around 2 to 3 years old. This play involves children independently playing with the same toys/objects next to each other. However, they are being very observant. At this point, the child is more aware of their presence around others. The child has increased interest and acknowledges that the other person is playing similarly to them. Most often, they will begin to imitate based on peer modeling. Thai type of play can be seen when two children are playing with their own farm animals, making animal sounds but not interacting.

Now That We Know Play Development, How Do We Help Children Improve Their Communication Skills at Home?

  • Set up your environment so that the child can better focus   
  • Engaging and joining in on the child’s interests
  • Follow the child’s lead
  • Gradually introducing new toys and sensory experiences
    •  Some children need exposure to a new toy over time before initiating a purposeful interaction on their own 🙂
  • Modeling how to play with the toy and gradually fading support  
  • Providing rewards with successful attempts at play
  • Encouraging the child to imitate sounds and words (e.g., go, uh-oh, neigh, etc.)
  • Ask open-ended questions like “What should we make?” “Where should this go?” “What should we feed the dog?” by using toys such as animals, blocks, and/or cars.
  • Incorporating play based on various contexts (e.g., Play with a sibling and/or peer) 

Activities to Try at Home:

  • Bubbles
  • Cars, trains
  • Books
  • Blocks, Legos, or Nesting Eggs
  • Baby doll/dollhouse 
  • Magnetic Tiles  
  • Ball
  • Singing nursery rhyme songs 
  • Farm set / Kitchen set 
  • Potato Head
  • And MUCH MORE 🙂 

“Play is our brain’s favorite way of learning,” said Diane Ackerman.

How can Carolina Therapy Connection Help?

Further questions or concerns regarding play development for children’s communication skills? A Speech-Language Pathologist can support your child and provide parent education/training to best support your child’s communication development. Play in speech therapy increases the child’s motivation, increases communication opportunities, strengthens the development of other developmental skills, and more! 


Zones of Regulation

What are the Zones of Regulation?

The Zones of Regulation is a curriculum that your child’s therapist may use to help your child develop self-regulation skills. Self-regulation is “the ability to achieve the preferred state of alertness for the given situation.” Other terms often interchanged for self-regulation include self-control, impulse control, and self-management. The curriculum focuses on lessons and activities to help the child identify their different “Zones” and strategies to increase self-regulation. Additionally, your child will be able to increase their understanding of emotions and coping skills. 

The Zones: Self-Regulation

“The Zones of Regulation creates a system to categorize how the body feels and emotions into four colored Zones with which the students can easily identify.” 

There are four zones within the Zones of Regulation

  • Blue Zone
  • Green Zone
  • Yellow Zone
  • Red Zone

The Blue Zone is a state of low alertness. Feelings can include sad, tired, sick, or bored. 


The Green Zone is a state of ideal alertness. This includes feeling calm, happy, or focused.


The Yellow Zone is a state of heightened alertness. Feelings can include frustration, worry, excitement, silliness, or fear. 


The Red Zone is a state of extremely heightened alertness. This includes anger, rage, extreme fear, and explosive behavior. 


How are the Zones used?

Your child’s therapist will work with them to identify which Zone they are in and strategies to help them self-regulate within each Zone. They will work together to develop a “toolbox” with strategies and techniques for obtaining optimal alertness in everyday situations. It is important to understand that no zone is “bad,” and all are expected from time to time. Instead, the intention is to help your child identify tools and coping strategies to self-regulate within each Zone. 


What can Carolina Therapy Connection help?

For the Zones of Regulation to work as intended, home carryover is super important. Strategies include using the same language and talking about the Zones within the home and community environments. Applying strategies to yourself can also increase carryover. For example, you may say, “This is super frustrating, and I am starting to go into the Yellow Zone. Maybe I will take some deep breaths.” Additionally, validate the zone that the child is in and help them implement the strategies and tools to self-regulate. Your child’s therapist can share the language and strategies used with the Zones of Regulation to increase carryover at home. 


By: Carolina Zissette, OT


24-Month-Old Milestone

What speech development will my child be doing at this time? 

At 24 months, most children have developed a vocabulary of at least 200 words or more. They can now use simple two-word phrases and may even begin to form simple phrases. These sentences may not be grammatically correct, but they convey meaning and reflect the child’s attempts to express themselves more elaborately. For example, a 24-month-old might say “big truck” or “mommy book.”

One notable aspect of language development at this age is the emergence of pronouns. Many toddlers start using pronouns such as “I,” “me,” and “you” to refer to themselves and others. This marks a significant step in their ability to express personal experiences and interact with others. 

In addition to vocabulary expansion and sentence formation, toddlers are refining their articulation skills at this stage. While their speech may still be unclear to unfamiliar listeners, families can usually understand their child’s words and phrases. Sound errors are typical at this age, and most children gradually improve as they continue to practice and refine their speech sounds. 

What else should my child be doing for Speech Development?

Another exciting 24-month-old milestone in language development is the ability to follow simple directions. Toddlers can often understand and respond to basic instructions, such as “give me the ball” or “come here.” This newfound skill contributes to their growing independence and ability to engage in simple tasks.

Social communication skills also make significant strides at this age. Many 24-month-olds enjoy engaging in simple conversations and sharing their thoughts and observations with those around them. They may imitate adult speech patterns and gestures and even attempt to participate in back-and-forth exchanges. Furthermore, imaginative play also begins to blossom. They might pretend to play with dolls or stuffed animals, using words to narrate their play and express creativity. 

What Can I Do at Home? 

It’s important to note that while there are general milestones for speech and language development, each child is unique and may progress at their own pace. Regular exposure to language-rich environments, positive interactions with caregivers, and engaging activities that stimulate language development all contribute to a child’s linguistic advancement.

The 24-month mark is an exciting stage in a child’s speech and language development. It represents a time of significant growth in vocabulary, sentence structure, and social communication skills, laying the foundation for more advanced language abilities in the future. Parents and caregivers play a crucial role in fostering this development through supportive and enriching interactions with their toddlers.


By: Lindsey Bryant CF, SLP


Nurturing Mental Wellness in Children: The Vital Role of Pediatric Therapy

In today’s fast-paced world, children face many challenges that can impact their mental well-being. From academic pressures to social dynamics, the stressors they encounter can take a toll on their emotional health. As parents and caregivers, it’s essential to recognize the signs of mental distress in children and provide them with the necessary support to thrive.

At Carolina Therapy Connection, we understand the importance of nurturing childhood mental wellness from an early age. Our comprehensive counseling services are designed to address various issues, empowering children to develop coping mechanisms and build resilience for life’s challenges.

Understanding Childhood Mental Wellness

Childhood is a crucial period for mental development. It’s a time when children form their perceptions of the world and learn how to navigate their emotions. However, factors such as family dynamics, peer relationships, academic pressures, and societal expectations can influence their mental health.

As children grow and develop, they may encounter difficulties that affect their emotional well-being. These challenges can manifest in various ways, including:

  1. Behavioral Changes
  2. Sudden changes in behavior, such as increased irritability, withdrawal, or aggression, may indicate underlying emotional struggles.
  3. Academic Decline
  4. Difficulty concentrating, declining academic performance, or reluctance to attend school could be signs of anxiety or other mental health issues.
  5. Physical Symptoms
  6. Headaches, stomachaches, and other physical complaints without underlying medical causes may be linked to stress or emotional distress.

Recognizing these signs early on is crucial for addressing children’s mental health needs and preventing further complications.

The Role of Pediatric Therapy in Promoting Mental Wellness

Pediatric therapy plays a vital role in supporting children’s mental wellness. Our team of skilled therapy providers specializes in working with children and adolescents, providing a safe and nurturing environment for them to express their thoughts and feelings.

Through evidence-based therapeutic techniques tailored to each child’s unique needs, we help them:

  1. Develop Coping Skills
  2. Children learn healthy coping mechanisms to manage stress, anxiety, and other emotional challenges.
  3. Build Resilience
  4. Children develop resilience to bounce back from setbacks and adversities by fostering a sense of self-esteem and self-efficacy.
  5. Improve Communication
  6. Effective communication is key to expressing emotions and resolving conflicts. Our therapists help children improve their communication skills, both verbally and non-verbally.
  7. Strengthen Relationships

Healthy relationships are fundamental to children’s well-being. We work with families to improve communication and strengthen familial bonds.

Promoting Childhood Mental Wellness for a Brighter Future

At Carolina Therapy Connection, we believe every child deserves the opportunity to thrive emotionally and socially. Promoting mental wellness from an early age lays the foundation for healthier, happier futures.

If you’re concerned about your child’s emotional well-being or want to learn more about our counseling services, we’re here to help. Contact us today to schedule a consultation with one of our experienced pediatric therapists.

Together, we can empower children to overcome obstacles, embrace their strengths, and live fulfilling lives. Let’s work together to nurture their mental wellness and unlock their full potential.


Best Toys for Kids with Autism as Recommended by Therapists

Sensory Friendly Toys that Don’t Involve Electronics

Welcome to our exploration of the beautiful world of toys uniquely crafted for children with autism. Selecting toys for kids with autism involves a delicate dance between understanding sensory needs, promoting skill development, and, most importantly, ensuring hours of joy and engagement. In this blog, we’ll delve into a curated list of favorite toys that cater to the diverse interests and preferences of children with autism.


Sensory Toys: A Symphony of Textures and Colors:



Cause-and-Effect Wonders:



Educational Gems:

  • Puzzles: Offering a mix of challenge and satisfaction, puzzles contribute to cognitive development and problem-solving skills.
  • Building Blocks: The timeless joy of building and creating, these blocks encourage imaginative play and enhance fine motor skills.


Calming Oasis:

  • Weighted Blankets: Not exactly a toy, but a soothing addition to any space, providing comfort and a sense of security.



Communication and Social Play:


  • Board Games: Structured play with clear rules, board games provide a fun way to learn social interaction and turn-taking.


Outdoor Adventures:



Artistic Expression:

  • Playdough Fun: The joy of squishing, molding, and creating with playdough offers a satisfying tactile experience.
  • Markers and Crayons: Encouraging creativity, drawing, and coloring provide an expressive outlet for children with autism.


Choosing toys for kids with autism is a personalized journey that requires attention to individual preferences and needs. The toys mentioned above are just a glimpse into the vast array of options available, each offering a unique way to engage, inspire, and bring joy to children on the autism spectrum. As you embark on this exploration, remember to observe, communicate, and, most importantly, have fun discovering the perfect toys for your child’s unique world.  Check out our specially curated Amazon Storefront for more toy suggestions!


Let’s Talk Articulation!

When Do I Bring My Child for a Speech Sound Evaluation?

As our children grow and develop speech, they don’t learn to use all the speech sounds in their native language simultaneously.  That’s why my little one tells me that “it’s dart outside” when he looks out the window after dinner these days!  But how do you know when to seek out a speech therapist for your child?  

Check out the chart below, which is available as a downloadable PDF on the SLP now website at; when looking at the chart, understand that some children start to develop sounds before the ages listed. The ages listed represent the age at which 90% of children have mastered each sound. For many speech sounds, there is a wide range of ages at which a child may start to produce the sound or approximations inconsistently before they truly master the sound. However, it is a quick rule of thumb that if a child cannot produce one of the sounds listed under their age, speech therapy may be indicated.



What Can I Do at Home to Help My Child with Their Speech Sounds?

So, what can a parent do to help their child develop speech sounds correctly at home? The first strategy I recommend is to make sure your child is looking at your face when you’re producing words or sounds that they had difficulty with. Draw attention to your mouth by pointing.  Children learn a lot about how a sound is produced by observing you. 

Another strategy that you can use is called recasting. Recasting is when you repeat what your child says precisely, including the errors, in a questioning voice. For example, if your child says, “Look at the tar” when they mean “Look at the car,” you might respond by saying, “Tar? Is that what you meant?” When the child attempts to correct himself or herself, if he or she cannot do so, I suggest using the first strategy we discussed.  Your child may not produce the sound at that moment, but that’s okay because they are still learning from what they see and hear from you.

I also recommend reading with your child regularly. Even if a child cannot read independently, draw their attention to some of the letters in the book, especially if the book has large decorative letters at the beginning of paragraphs. Talk about the sound the letters make, and again, ensure your child is watching your face. 

For emerging readers, phonics activities are an excellent time to work on articulation at home. While doing phonics homework with your child, could you talk about how each sound is made?  For example, the “T sound is made with our tongue on the roof of her mouth.” If you’re unsure how to describe how sounds are made, has an excellent video library with tutorials for each sound.

If your child is receiving speech therapy services, their SLP will be able to provide you with additional, personalized resources.

How Can Carolina Therapy Connection Help? 

If you are still unsure or feel that your child’s speech is difficult to understand compared to others his/her age, Carolina Therapy Connection has licensed Speech Language Pathologists at the clinics in Greenville, Goldsboro, and New Bern that are highly qualified to evaluate and diagnose speech sound disorders.  You can schedule a speech sound evaluation at whichever clinic is most convenient for your family at 252-341-9944.  Our professionals can also provide personalized resources for your child’s needs. 


By Michelle Berghold