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Tutoring Vs. Virtual Learning Support

The Differences Between Tutoring and Virtual Learning Support With Covid-19, we are in uncertain waters and these waters are not always smooth sailing. In addition to the responsibilities of day-to-day parenting, roles have shifted.  Parents are…

Best Way to Teach My Child How to Tie Shoes

The Best Way To Teach My Child How to Tie Their Shoes Teaching your child to tie their shoes can be a long and frustrating task for parents.  Luckily our occupational therapists break it down…

Developing Speech Language Skills at Home

Developing Speech and Language Skills at Home   Home with your child more?… Now is a perfect time to work on developing speech and language skills!  Incorporating certain activities into your child’s daily routine is…

Alphabet Scavenger Hunt Activity at Home

Alphabet Scavenger Hunt Activity at Home Try this fun activity at home with your child- it can be adjusted for any age! Instructions for the activity: Make alphabet flash cards for your child to pick…

Staff Spotlight Vlog #1: Cindy and Taylor

Welcome to our new series: Carolina Therapy Connection Staff Spotlight Vlog. Time to have some fun and learn more about our team of therapists and education specialists. Go behind the scenes to get a glimpse…

Sensory Walk Activity to do at Home!

Home with your kiddos and need some sensory suggestions?   This is a sensory walk that you can easily create at home with chalk and other materials (bins filled with rice, beans, dirt, sand, etc.). …

Teletherapy Services From the Comfort of Your Home

What is Teletherapy? Teletherapy is delivering online therapy services with one of our speech, occupational, or physical therapists  through telecommunication technology, often from a distance. Technology can now connect therapists with clients no matter the…

Carolina Therapy Connection Expands into Goldsboro

Now offering Occupational Therapy Services in Goldsboro, NC! With our Greenville expansion and renovation completed, we are now developing therapy services in Goldsboro, NC to carry out our mission of “informing families, enriching lives, changing futures.” …

Are You and Your Child Frustrated With Homework?

How Can an Educational Assessment be Beneficial to You and Your Child? It is officially fall – that means football, costumes, hayrides, pumpkin spiced lattes (and everything else pumpkin flavored you can dream up) and…

Speech and Language Development

Speech and Language Development All children have speech variations during their early language development. Perhaps your child switches different consonants or still mixes words with baby talk. All of these things are normal to a…